Endurance (DVD)
Endurance (DVD)
You'll Laugh Until It Hurts! And Boy Will It Hurt! Endurance (Za Gaman) is a Japanese 'torture' game show where male university student endure a variety of humiliating and/or painful competitions to see who can tolerate it the longest. Which of these outrageous kamikaze competitors will survive the agonies of the human rack, man-eating alligators, cannon balls up the backside and scorched nipples in the ultimate test of endurance'' Who will make it through the onslaught of attacking elephants, gorillas, leaping lizards and raging bulls'' Which one of these brave (and stupid) men will emerge victorious from the physical and mental torment of ENDURANCE''
Additional Details
Label: Televista
Genre: Television
Run Time: 90 mins
Release Date: 07/25/06
UPC: 029502100940