Discarded (DVD)
Discarded (DVD)
Vintage film rarities rescued from the junk heap!
In the spirit of reduce, reuse, and recycle but mostly because we really like to save money we raided dumpsters, attics and ash heaps looking for some cool movie reels to slap on DVD and sell to environmentally friendly people. Now you can feel good knowing that the contents of this DVD are made up entirely of 100% recycled films, and we thank you for enriching our bank accounts! This DVD features the following: HISTORY OF THE NEGRO PEOPLE - Before PBS, there was The National Educational Television Network. National Educational Television (NET), originally called the Educational Television and Radio Center, was a non-profit, tax-exempt, independent organization whose primary mission was to provide national and international programming for the educational television stations of America. NET provided ten hours each week of distinctive programming in fine arts and music, the humanities, the social sciences, the sciences, children's programs, and public affairs. 'History Of The Negro People' was a nine program series produced in 1965 that explored the little known and long neglected history of the black race. In this episode entitled OMOWALE: THE CHILD RETURNS HOME, John A. Williams, an African-American author, journeys to Nigeria to understand his heritage and gain a new perspective on life in America. Needless to say the title of the series would be considered an ethnic slur today. DOUCHING AND FEMININE HYGIENE: WHY, WHEN AND HOW -
Anything and everything you ever wanted to know about douching. You'll feel more comfortable, confident, fresher and cleaner after watching this film. Produced by the good folks who make Massengill Disposable Douche. ALCOHOL: OUR NUMBER ONE DRUG -
100% pure proof that booze is bad! Drinking liquor can be really dangerous as this movie clearly shows. Crack open a cold one and enjoy this anti-alcohol classic.
Cast & Crew
Actors:- Various nobodies
Director: Various nobodies
Producer: Various nobodies
Additional Details
Label: Televista
Genre: Cult
Run Time: 50 mins
Region: 0
Release Date: 06/18/13
UPC: 029502783013