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Can Dialectics Break Bricks? (DVD)

Can Dialectics Break Bricks? (DVD)

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The Anti-Capitalist Kung Fu Movie To End Them All!

Comrades, there is no better example of revolution on film than Can Dilalectics Break Bricks, the hilarious spoof of politics, class warfare and consumption that still holds up in today's advanced capitalistic world. Taking an obscure karate film and redubbing the entire movie, a group of Situationists have created the perfect dada film, one rife with political sharpness and theoretical humor that is also a harsh critique of 20th Century work and life, while standing on its own as an avant-garde experiment in the absurd. So, occupy some room on the couch and prepare to be enjoy the spectacle before your eyes!

Additional Details

Label: Occupie Filmwerx

Genre: Cult

Language: French

Run Time: 90 mins

Region: 0

Release Date: 06/17/14

UPC: 760137625698

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Can Dialectics Break Bricks? (DVD)
Can Dialectics Break Bricks? (DVD)MVD6256D
Can Dialectics Break Bricks? (DVD)MVD6256D
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